The US Gun culture
Steve SACK, on, Gun Lobby and Congress (2010) |
The Founding Fathers of the United States are the individuals of the Thirteen British Colonies in North America who led the American Revolution against the authority of the British Crown and established the United States of America.
Description :
The cartoon was illustrated by steve Sack and it's called "Gun lobby and Congress".The cartoon stages two characters in front of the Congress in America.One of the character represents a gun lobby and the other represents Congress. The gun lobby's man is giving a bag of money to the other by saying "Now, where were, before we were so rudely interrupted...".On the stairs of the congress, we can see blood flowing.
Interpretation :
This cartoon reflects the power of the Gun industry in US. Many campaign has been established to fight against the carrying of weapons . But it leads to nothing because they still existed a handgun violence. As underlined the cartoon many system is corrupted like the congress the lobby gun's man gives to the other some money . I think that is for not removed the laws which allows the Gun ownership in US and closed the eye about all the violence and the polemic which surround the use of gun. The pharse of the gun lobby's man which is "Now, where were, before we were so rudely interrupted..." The interruption about which he speaks is the blood behind them in other words they have already started to establish an accord .The lobbies have taken an important place in US.
Dave GRANDLUND, on, Second Amendment and NRA (2013) |
The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is an American nonprofit organization which advocates for gun rights.Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm-related bills since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against legislation since 1975. It is also the oldest continuously operating civil rights organization in the United States. This organization is the most longest-standing civil rights organization of America.The NRA supports privacy rights for gun owners and, additionally, has invoked the Tenth Amendment to defend gun rights.The NRA is considered as being one of the most influential political lobbies of the United States because of its capacity to bring regularly a large number of votes during the elections.
Description :
This drawing was made by Dave Grandlund in 2013 and it's called "second Amendment and NRA".The drawing shows on statue of a standing soldier who has on his hand a to the statue there is written "Second Amendment as defined by the founding fathers" in front of the the statue there is also a standing soldier but more recent . Because of the color and the soldier has in his ownership three submachine guns and two handgun. The soldier is standing on a reserves of ammunition. next to him there is written "Second Amendment as defined by the NRA".
Interpretantion :
First the illustration confront two ideologies and two ideas. On the one hand there is the idea that the gun has served for defend something that is very important. It was before a question of a right of militia, to participate in the defense of the State.On the other hand there is the NRA which defends the right to carry weapons in US. We see this idea clearly on the illustation .
"Our Father, who is in heavens, who your name is sanctified [...].
That the freedom to carry weapons is protected,
and that to protect our families. Amen."It it is the thoughts which they defend throught he cartoons we see that with all the bullets which are on the floor.